A operação de uma sequência de roupas-objeto formadas por materiais brutos: madeira, pregos, metais.
The operation of a sequence of clothes-objects formed by raw materials: wood, iron, metal appeared and led the mechanics of the body to a situation of balance/imbalance. Through this game the body of the so dreamed super-puppet appeared. an experience where the breakdown by contact with the materials continually induces the abandonment of control. In the operation of these instruments of small failures. The sound intervention acts as an orchestrator of the body in the dialogue between the musician and the performer.
The Supermarionete is a dance performance that makes part of Sucess study for failure project. Project unfolded in several actions, all articulated around the idea of causing the collapse, or the study of failure as an opportunity to establish new forms of action and performance. it integrates the performance-installations the supermarionete, fire experiment, a phoenix of stone and metal, the experience of a performance encounter platform: the dinner, the publication estudy for failure – notebook and the , laboratórios de vesíveis grosses with this theme and also the video performances arising from the performances-installations.
Sucess study for failure
Project of investigation of extreme situations unfolded in performances-installations, videoperformances, videoperformance-installation, laboratories and wearables..
documentation in digital videos and photographs.
wood and metal and fire devices.
Developed between the artistic residency ongoing projects in a.c.c.c. – associação cultural Casa das Caldeiras and the artist residency in dance at Sesc Palladium/Belo Horizonte.
general conception . performance and devices]
Carolina Sudati a.k.a. Translúcida Bruta
associate artists:
Leo Ceolin [visual artist and designer] . Jose Bárrickelo [multi-instrumentalist] . Tiago Cardoso [designer] . Mayra Azzi [photographer]
collaborations: Karina Saccomanno [architect and a.c.c.c. manager]
institutional collaborations: Joel Borges [curator cultural projects a.c.c.c.] . Aline Costa Vilella [sesc palladium dance program]
Imagens: Mayra Azzi